How the scoring system works
Every one of your players who scored a goal receives 4 points (+4).
This week your team has three goal scorers - Alvaro Morata who scored two earns 8 points, whilst Jamie Murphy and Miguel Britos both scored one and earn 4 points each - all added to the GOALS SCORED FOR (GF) column.
Every goal that gets past your keeper and your defenders loses your team 2 points (-2). But they score 3 points (+3) if they keep clean sheets.
This week your keeper Petr Cech and Right Back Hector Bellerin both featured in the Arsenal side that beat Manchester City 4-1. As Arsenal had one goal scored against them both Cech and Bellerin lose two points each (-2).
Left Back Leighton Baines featured in the Everton side that lost 2-0 against Tottenham. This means Baines loses four points (-4).
Centre Back Winston Reid featured in the West Ham side that lost 3-0 against Burnley. This will cost you dearly as Reid loses six points (-6)!
Other Centre Back Miguel Britos featured in both Watford's games this week. They drew 0-0 against WBA and won 1-0 against Huddersfield Town. As Watford did not concede any goals in both their matches Britos wins your side 6 points (+6). Hurray for Watford! All these points are now entered into their respective GOALS CONCEDED (GA) column.
It is possible that one of your players might be injured or just not selected for his EPL side. If this happens and he misses four League games in a row, then he loses your teasm 2 points (-2) every week from then on until he plays again. Write this figure down in th GOALS CONCEDED (GA) column.
Now that all the player's individual points have been awarded and marked down it's time to look at how their clubs have done. In the TEAM GOALS FOR (TGF) column you write down how many goals their team scored that week. Whilst in the TEAM GOALS AGAINST (TGA) column you write down how many goals their team conceded that week.
(e.g. Petr Cech is Arsenal's keeper who won 4-1 on the Sunday. So Cech scores 4 in the TEAM GOALS FOR (TGF) column and -1 in the TEAM GOALS AGAINST (TGA) column).
This column is the total number of points a player has won or lost. Just add up all the figures along the row to find out what each player has scored and enter this in the PLAYER POINTS column.
Bonus points are also awarded when:
One of your players represents his national team. If for example Eden Hazard is in your squad and he is picked to play for France, then you earn one bonus point.
If one of your players appears in a cup final then you've chalked up another bonus point.
If your keeper saves a penalty kick, then you get another bonus point.
If one of your players is picked as Man of the Match in a League game then you gain another bonus point.
Fill in all your bonus points in the final column AFTER you've added up your player's points. But please note: Only a maximum of 2 bonus points can be awarded each week.
Finding out your total score for the week is simple. Just add up all the player's points in the final column AND add up to two bonus points (if you have been awarded them) to boost your score. And that's your Fantasy Team total for the week!
The Fantasy Team total will then tell you if you have won, drawn or lost your fantasy match that week. Here is how the score affects the result...
Above 10 points Win 3 pts
-10 to +10 Draw 1 pt
-11 or worse Lose 0 pts
Fill in your match result and your Fantasy League points on the Score Chart each week. And don't forget to keep a record of your total points throughout the season. There's even space on the Score Chart to write who is top and bottom in the Premier League, so you can measure your men against the best and the worst teams.
NB: Don't forget those bonus points as in this example they turned a draw into a much needed win!
Player Scores A Goal...................................................... +4 pts per goal (Goals For column)
Player Scores An Own Goal.......................................... -4 pts per goal (Goals For column)
Keeper Or Defenders Concede A Goal....................... -2 pts per goal (Goals Against column)
Keeper Or Defenders Keep A Clean Sheet............... +3 pts per match (Goals Against column)
Player Misses Four Games In A Row......................... -2 pts per game from then on (Goals Against column)
Goals Scored By A Player's EPL Club........................ +1 pt per goal (Team Goals For column)
Goals Conceded By A Player's EPL Club................... -1 pt per goal (Team Goals Against column)
Bonus Points (Max. of +2 per week)
A Player Represents His National Team................... +1 pt per international (Bonus Points box)
A Player Plays In A Cup Final....................................... +1 pt per cup final (Bonus Points box)
Your Keeper Saves A Penalty....................................... +1 pt per penalty (Bonus Points box)
A Player Is Awarded Man Of The Match.................... +1 pt per M.O.M. awarded (Bonus Points box)
Once you've picked your dream team and filled in their names in the Score Chart. The next step is to keep a record of their clubs' matches between the dates (in the example below, between 27th August and 2nd September 2017). Keep an eye on all the forthcoming matches during that week - the newspaper or Teletext has them all.
To show how to fill in the Score Chart table, I've created a fantasy team which I've called Delboy's Dynamos and a set of results for the week 27th August - 2nd September 2017 inclusive are as follows...
Sunday 27th August 2017
Arsenal 4 (Sanchez, Koscielny, Giroud 2) Manchester City 1 (Sterling)
Burnley 3 (Walters 2, Brady) West Ham United 0
Chelsea 2 (Morata 2) Manchester United 3 (Lukaku 2, Rashford)
Newcastle 2 (Gayle, J.Murphy) Southampton 0
Watford 0 WBA 0
Monday 28th August 2017
Everton 0 Tottenham 2 (Dier, Eriksen)
Wednesday 30th August 2017
Watford 1 (Britos) Huddersfield Town 0
(Note: Watford's Wednesday night win gives your side some valuable points!)
You will notice that Liverpool don't have a game this week. That means that Dean Sturridge won't score your fantasy team any points. There's no cause for concern though as matches should even out over the season so overall you won't miss out on any point scoring opportunities.
Once you have the match results, you are ready to fill in the week's Score Chart table (see our PC editable version below).
To download a basic version for your own use (using MS Excel or similar) click here: Score Chart